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Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 DLC 2


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This guide describes the few simple steps to add the BGA and the silos from the DLC 2 Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 to integrate into any mod map.
It is also possible to adap the model of the BGA according to your needs and still be provided with the functionality of the second DLC. 
It also explains how other devices such as silage clamps, shovels silage and silage create compressed vehicle. Prerequisites for this tutorial is the master of the GIANTS editor and basic modding skills (eg editing the modDesc.xml)
Please post questions and feedback in this thread or in the official LS support forum.

Add biogas facility to mod maps (Difficulty: easy)
Adjust the biogas facility (Difficulty: medium)
Compacting speed of vehicles (Difficulty: easy)
Create a new silage shovel / fork (Difficulty: medium)
Fill with silage trailers (Difficulty: medium)

Add biogas facility to mod maps (Difficulty: easy) 
The required files: DLC2SDK.zip
GiantsLS11DLC2SDK.zip The file must be unzipped into the folder of the mod map. The files can be copied to any subfolders, depending on your preference. The following steps assume that the files are located directly in the mod map folder and not in a subfolder. If this is not so, the path must be adjusted accordingly 
The file "DLC2Bga.lua" as an extra source file must be entered in modDesc.xml. 
    <sourceFile filename="DLC2Bga.lua"/> 
    ... possibly other entries in the source file mods 
A l10n entry with the name "DLC2_not_installed" must be inserted into the modDesc.xml. 
    <en> The Farming Simulator 2011 2 DLC is not installed or was not selected in the mod menu. 
The DLC-2 is available on www.farming simulator.com </ s> 
    The <de> Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 2 DLC is not installed or was not selected in the Mod menu. 
The DLC-2, there are at www.landwirtschafts simulator.de </ en> 
    Le <fr> Farming Simulator 2011 DLC pack 2 n'a pas ou n'est pas Installé Sélectionné été dans le menu de mod. 
Le est disponible sur DLC pack 2 www.farming-simulator.com </ fr> 

    ... Possibly other l10n entries Mods 
</ L10n> 
The BGA must be placed on the map. These must be placed in the file "i3d/bga.i3d" are imported and the desired location in the mod map. 

By GIANTS Editor you can do this with drag and drop, or in the menu you can choose File-> Import and then select the i3d.

Adjust the biogas facility (Difficulty: medium)
The BGA can be transformed into desired as long as the trigger of the objects and information on silos (bunkerSilo) and the BGA are preserved, and these are replaced with corresponding changes in objects.
Modder, which owns Autodesk Maya can also download the Maya file and the textures in png format and modify directly in the Maya BGA. The relevant files are here: giantsLS11DLC2SDK_sourceFiles.zip
However, the BGA can also be adjusted directly in the  GIANTS editor.

The following list describes the functions and characteristics of the major items:
The BGA is a Unloadingsone (Tip Trigger, silage per bucket, trigger pads) and a slurry tank.
User attributes
onCreate modOnCreate.dlc2_Bga_onCreate
are tipTriggersIndex index path to a group on the tip of the trigger. Tip The triggers are described in the section "Tip Trigger" 
objectDeleteTriggerIndex index path to a rigid body (static) shape with the flag "triggers", which defines in which straw and hay bales are already accepted.
silageCatcherIndex index path to a Rigid Body (Static) Shape, which defines the territory, which can be unloaded with a shovel to fill in the silage bunker.
liquidManureSiloIndex index path to the slurry tank. In the section entitled "Slurry Tank"
bunker-plane index index path to the moving plane of the bunker
bunkerPlaneMinMaxY minimum and maximum Y plane translation of the bunker
bunkerPushersIndex index path to the group of moving the slide of the bunker. It can be any number of objects in this group
bunkerPushersMinMaxZ minimum and maximum Y translation of the slide
bunker rolling index index path to the group of spinning reels of the bunker. It can be any number of objects in this group
bunker-speed rolling speed of the rollers, in degrees / second
bunker capacity of the bunker capacity, in liters
bunkerUseSpeed ​​Entleergeschw. the bunker, in liters / millisecond (default: 0.5)
Bunker plan to move scale moves How much faster / slower the bunker tarp over the real level (default: 0.2 (= 5 times slower))
fillDeltaToManureDeltaScale amount of manure produced by one liter of bunker content.
baleValueToFillDeltaScale number of liters of bunker contents, caused by a monetary value of € bales.
Hierarchy (children)
iconNode The BGA, a child named "iconNode" have. At this location is then displayed in the game the BGA icon in the PDA.
Tip: Trigger
The BGA tip triggers are similar to the normal tip trigger in the game. However, you define a whole new area, may be unloaded in the. The length of this area is defined by the position of the trigger and the Z translation of the first child. The width is defined by the user attribute width trigger.
User attributes
fruit types A list of acceptable types of fruit
priceMultipliers A list of prize multipliers of each type of fruit
trigger width width of the trigger.
Slurry tank:
The slurry tank consists of a moving plane and a trigger to fill the slurry into a trailer.
User attributes
capacity of the slurry tank capacity
moving index index path to the plane which moves according to the level
moveMinMaxY minimum and maximum Y plane translation of the silo
trigger index index path to Rigid Body (Static) shape, with "trigger" flag, which determines the area can be filled by supporters

Silo (Bunkersilo):
Each silo has its own object, and accordingly has its own user attributes. A silo consists of several moving planes, the various triggers (trigger blade, tip triggers interaction triggers and trigger compression) and the information object where silage can be unloaded with the shovel.
User attributes
onCreate modOnCreate.dlc2_BunkerSilo_onCreate
capacity capacity of the silos
moving plane index index path to the group which includes the moving plan which represent the straw / grass and silage. See subsection "silo Moving Plane"
movingPlanesMinMaxY minimum and maximum Y translation of the moving plan
silage-plane index index path to the tarp, which covers the silo during the fermentation
silagePlanesMinMaxY minimum and maximum Y plane translation of the silage. The maximum should be chosen so that the silo is covered when the moving plan at the maximum
Minimum shovelTriggersMinY Y of the blade trigger. Should be slightly larger than the minimum of "silagePlanesMinMaxY". This prevents the trigger blade can be pushed under the floor when the silo is nearly empty.
are tipTriggersIndex index path to a group on the tip of the trigger. Tip The triggers are in the section "Tip Trigger" described
InterAction trigger index index path to a rigid body (static) shape, with "trigger" flag, which specifies the range by the level indicator is active, and you can start the fermentation
compactingTriggerIndex index path to a rigid body (static) shape, with "trigger" flag, which specifies the range by a vehicle compresses the silo
silageCatcherIndex index path to a Rigid Body (Static) Shape, which defines the territory, which can be unloaded with the shovel silage into the silo to fill back.
distanceToCompactedFillLevel How much of the silo contents is compressed drive with a meter. (Default: 500 The equivalent of 500 to 500 / 3, depending on the game difficulty)
fermentingDuration duration of the fermentation process, in milliseconds. (Standard: Meets 900,000th 15min to 45min depending on the game Schierig)
Silo Moving Plane
Moving a plane consists of the tarpaulin which is displayed and a blade trigger.
Have assigned the material of the tarp has a custom shader that interprets the parameter "color scale". This is (1,1,1) when chaff / Grass is in the silo and (0.658823, 0.5647, 0.4423529) when fermented silage in the silo. You can usually supplied the custom shaders "silageShader.xml" use.
The trigger blade is the first child of the canvas and must be a rigid body (Kinematic) its shape with "Tigger" flag.
The standard BGA DLC2 has also yet another rigid body (Kinematic) Shape Child, which defines the collision of the plan. This is slightly below the optical plane, so the effect is that the wheels of the vehicle to sink slightly.

Compacting speed of vehicles (Difficulty: easy)
Each vehicle can condense at different rates, the silos. The wheel loader in DLC2 compacted e.g. twice as fast as the other vehicle. This must be the vehicle of the object attributes "bunkerSiloCompactingScale" and "bunkerSiloCompactingRefNode" set.
"BunkerSiloCompactingScale" is an arbitrary scaling factor of the compression speed. 1 corresponds to the standard that is used in two wheel loaders.

The simplest one uses the Spezialisieriung "BunkerSiloCompacter" which can be downloaded here: BunkerSiloCompacter.lua.
If you have added them to the vehicle, can you put the vehicle in XML following line:
<bunkerSiloCompacter compactingScale="SCALE" refNode="INDEX_PATH"/>
It must be replaced with the SCALE desired value, and INDEX_PATH path must be an index to an object. The position of this object determines where each of the silo is grdrückt down during the drive over.
SCALE is the wheel loader = "2" and INDEX_PATH = "0>".

Create a new silage shovel / fork (Difficulty: medium)
To include the possibility of a mod silage from the silo to add the following steps must be performed.
The mod-blade must be added to the specialization "fillable" and "pdlc_dlcPack2.newShovel"
The new information from the blade must be inserted into the vehicle of XML. This looks like this:
  <shovel tipReferenceNode="INDEX_PATH">
    <node index="INDEX_PATH_1" />
    <node index="INDEX_PATH_N" />
  </ Shovel>
The "tipReferenceNode" determines where that is unloaded. If this object is above the silage silos Catcher of the BGA or bunkers or on a trailer can be unloaded. This object should then be placed around the front edge of the blade. The "node" with information INDEX_PATH_1 INDEX_PATH_N to determine which parts of the vehicle can accommodate silage. The wheel loader is the only object the physics of the blade. This prevents the blade is not filled, if you drive with the rear of the loader bucket into a trigger.
If any "node" is specified, then each object physics of the vehicle used as a trigger object. The silage forks in DLC2 have e.g. not a "node" information.
The shovel is working with the DLC2 Fillable specialization. According to the Fillplanes and fillType be specified in the XML vehicle.
This might look like this:
    <fillPlane type="manure">
      <node index="1> 2 | 2 | 0 | 3 "/>
    </ FillPlane>
    <fillPlane type="silage">
      <node index="1> 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 "/>
    </ FillPlane>
  </ FillPlanes>

  <fillTypes fillTypes="manure silage"/>

Fill with silage trailers (Difficulty: medium)
The standard adds DLC2 all trucks that can be filled from the air (self.allowFillFromAir = true) with straw (chaff) to support the support for silage. Here, the same optical properties as used for chopping (, fillPlane particle system). Mods can change this behavior. You can manually 'silage' on supported Fill Types and add the "dischargeParticleSystem" insert.
In addition, you can disable the automatic addition of silage even if no silage support is desired. This must be the vehicle of the XML node attributes fillType "dlc2AddSilage" Add and set to "false". It looks like this:
  <fillTypes dlc2AddSilage="false" fillTypes="..."/>

If you find and error or something you don't understand, reply and i will help as much as i can.
Kategória: Módok/Mods | Hozzáadta: endru (2011-06-25)
Megtekintések száma: 1465 | Helyezés: 0.0/0
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