HvorFandenErJeg - By Random Hero
Map: Random Hero
*1: The ad-blimp. You can actually get up on that
*2: Typical danish-looking pig-farm
*3: Your main farm with silo's, silage-pits, one small and one large barn
*4: Grainmill, sell barley, wheat and canola here
*5: Farmshop; bye and sell equipment here
*6: A small, shut down farm, modelled like my granddads farm back in the 80's
*7: Swedish inspired farm
Dairy. 'Them Ost' is the dairy my dad delivers his milk to. Makes some
damn good cheese there (Them is a small town here in Denmark)
*9: Train-station. Sell barley, wheat, canola, corn, straw and hay-bales and logs here
*10: A very small american inspired farm. It have a tower-silo for grass and chaff
*11: All farmers need to relax sometimes, so here is the Tractor Pulling Arena